Acts 17:1-10 | Redeemed Extremely Dangerous
In RED – Redeemed and Extremely Dangerous (Our Easter study) we were reminded that Jesus did not endure all He did so that He could make you a little bit better. He did it because He wanted to make you alive! Once we are alive in Him, then we can start living out what it means to be RED in the world around us. Today our study reminds us that we can challenge norms, transform lives, and bring about change in a culture that is often run by injustice and chaos. There is a motion, a message, and a method to living for Jesus. Today dig in and have some fun discovering what that means.

All Videos used under CVLI #502101490
All Songs performed under CCLI #11505050


  1. The Motion of the Redeemed (v. 1)
  2. The Message of the Extreme (v. 2-5)
  3. The Method of the Dangerous (v. 6-10)

Series Page

Upside Down Living in a Cockeyed Culture – RED (Session Two)

by Church @ 434 | Worship Audio

Upside Down Living in a Cockeyed Culture – RED (Session Two)

by Church @ 434 | Sermon Audio

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