Acts 9:36-43 | Being Willing | Relationships | Sharing | Stillness
Last time in the Unforgettable story of Ehud we discovered 3 things we have to do to live unforgettable lives. Ask (for help) Add (some muscle) and Activate (a plan). Today we add a new story and chapter to our Unforgettable Saga as we find more help as we seek to be unforgettable followers. Today in the book of Acts we discover a gazelle made well.

All Videos used under CVLI #502101490
All Songs performed under CCLI #11505050


Entrance Ramp: Sacred Stillness (v.40-42)

  1. Be Willing (v. 36 & 39)
  2. Build Relationships (v. 39 & 41)
  3. Boldly Share (v. 36, 39, & 42-43)

Series Page

The Swell Gazelle (Made Well) – The Unforgettables (Session Two)

by Church @ 434 | Worship Audio

The Swell Gazelle (Made Well) – The Unforgettables (Session Two)

by Church @ 434 | Sermon Audio

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