2 Corinthians 9:7 | Commitment | Generosity | Loyal | Pre-Choices
We are in a series about making Preemptive Strikes in our life! Today we talk about a very important and telling pre-choice. Generosity is more than just spontaneous giving; it’s a mindset that begins with a pre-choice to be a blessing. If you are willing, you will find some ways to cultivate a heart of generosity, become a philanthropist in spirit, and live in such a way that our lives pour out love, kindness, and resources to those around us.

All Videos used under CVLI #502101490
All Songs performed under CCLI #11505050


  1. The Choice to Give Freely – Letting Go of Gravitational Pull
  2. The Choice to Give Joyfully – Boost Your “Generosity Glee”
  3. The Choice to Give Purposefully – Targeting Your Impact

Generosity MO (Modus operandi)

  1. Generous people plan to be generous
  2. No one accidently becomes generous
  3. The culture tells us the lie – it is more blessed to get
  4. Generosity is not about what you have or don’t have – Generosity is about the condition of your heart
  5. Generous people plan out their generosity and stand firm
  6. You will discover more blessings when you learn to give
  7. Generous people have a plan!
  8. Living a life marked by intentional generosity is meaningful beyond monetary measure

Series Page

The Real G Force – Preemptive Strike (Session Three)

by Church @ 434 | Worship Audio

The Real G Force – Preemptive Strike (Session Three)

by Church @ 434 | Sermon Audio

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