The Encounter
The Encounter – Episode 6
In this episode, we wrap up our look at Mark 5 by taking a closer look at Jairus.
The Encounter – Episode 5
In this episode, we continue to look at the woman with the bleeding issue. From it we see that Jesus still heals when we are hanging by a thread and knows what we need.
The Encounter – Episode 4
In this episode, we take a look at the woman with the bleeding disorder and how she did everything she could to get to Jesus. She didn’t have all the answers, but just had the determination. He responded to her and will respond to us, if we do the same.
The Encounter – Episode 3
In this episode, we continue our look at Mark 5 and how Jesus meets each person at their point of need and at just the right time.
The Encounter – Episode 2
In this episode, we look at the possessed man and how a single word drove the demons out and restored him.
The Encounter – Episode 1
Welcome to a new series call, The Encounter, where we look at Jeff’s favorite chapter in the Bible, Mark 5. In this episode, we look at the first 17 verses.