by Church @ 434 | Jan 12, 2025 | Sasquatch Shenanigans
Today, we’re diving into our second episode of the series with a study called “Everyday Sasquatch.” Yes, you read that right! Just like the notoriously elusive Bigfoot, the miracles of God can feel like they’re hiding in the shadows, just waiting for us to stumble upon them. But here’s the fun part: they often show up in the most ordinary moments of our lives! So as we continue to look toward shaping and changing the future, we are going to see the importance of an Everyday Sasquatch mindset.
by Church @ 434 | Jul 7, 2024 | Phenomenal
The thrilling conclusion to The Phenomenal series features a story about a funeral that takes the ultimate plot twist! In one of the most dramatic stories in all of the Bible, Jesus steps into the scene loaded with emotion and reminds us that even grave clothes can’t stop someone from joining in the dance of life! The Grave Robber arrives and goes to work!
by Church @ 434 | Jun 30, 2024 | Phenomenal
The Phenomenal series continues this week with The Eye Opener. Our story begins with a burning question and results in a bit of unconventional mud therapy. In the midst of spit and mud pies we are reminded again of the mysterious ways God works in our lives. Get ready for some mud, miracles, and a man born blind in The Eye Opener.
by Church @ 434 | Jun 23, 2024 | Phenomenal
Let’s be honest (and why not – this is church after all) We have all had moments when we feel like we are rowing through life when the waves keep getting bigger around us and the wind keeps blowing harder. This session of Phenomenal takes us into a moment where Jesus went surfing without a surfboard. This wet and wild event introduces us to an often forgotten or ignored phenomenal characteristic of Jesus. Get ready to see how the Daredevil worked then and now.
by Church @ 434 | Jun 16, 2024 | Phenomenal
We are looking at seven signs that Jesus did that reveal so much about Him and give us the freedom to follow Him with passion and confidence. We have seen Jesus the Wedding Crasher – Jesus the Choreographer- Jesus as the Rule Buster –Jesus as The Maverick– and today – we see Jesus as the Chopped Champion…..all are Phenomenal. In case you don’t know, Chopped is a reality program on the Food Network where chefs must prepare dinner with the surprise items they are given in a basket. So get ready to step into a pressure packed situation and see how three chefs attempt to handle the unexpected. Of course, there is and always will be only ONE Chopped Champion.