Whispers in the Blizzard

Whispers in the Blizzard

Welcome to a Special Time of Worship
This morning we present Whispers in the Blizzard. It has been written by Jeff Dixon and is a mixture of story, songs and media we hope will add to your Christmas celebration and point you towards the new year.

Silent Nights and Holy Messes – Home for Christmas (Session Two)

Silent Nights and Holy Messes – Home for Christmas (Session Two)

We often sing about the first Christmas night and imagine it to be a silent night. It was not! The first Christmas was chaotic and messy – a lot like some of our own Christmas celebrations in our own homes. In the midst of the mayhem and clutter, the peace of God radiates through our celebration and reminds us that God’s presence brings hope to our messy and unexpected moments. Get ready for a silent night with some holy messes!

Heavenly Inspiration and Human Perspiration – Genius (Session One)

Heavenly Inspiration and Human Perspiration – Genius (Session One)

Way to go Genius! Has anyone ever said that to you? They probably didn’t mean it as a compliment, but perhaps in hindsight they should have. If you have ever felt that there was within you untapped potential, latent talent, and even hidden genius somewhere inside of you – this is your day, your study, and your series! This is the first in a series where we will begin to explore a topic that is not usually talked about in church circles – we will study the genius of Jesus and attempt to unlock the genius within each of us, Get ready – it will be fun

God Only Knows – We Know (Session Four)

God Only Knows – We Know (Session Four)

We wrap up the We Know series with a look at one of the more mysterious and puzzling passages anywhere in Scripture. The things we can understand and know surrounding the Easter event are essential for us if we are going to communicate truth to a world that needs to have answers. While we can’t know everything, what we can understand matters more than we imagine. This passage is about not just one dead guy getting up and walking but a whole bunch of them…not sure what we are talking about? Get ready – it will be fun.