1 Samuel 17:2-11 | Boxing | David vs Goliath | Rocky Balboa
It is tough out there in the real world. Sometimes it feels like the world has gone crazy. It can be overwhelming, but no matter what the world might throw at us each day - anxiety, fear, confusion, temptation - we know we are in for a battle, a rumble. In this series, we take a look at one of the most famous battles of all time and see the story with a fresh look, maybe in ways you have never seen it before. Along the way, discover some life lessons that will help us win the rumble of reality. It is time - let's get ready to rumble!

All Videos used under CVLI #502101490
All Songs performed under CCLI #11505050


  1. The Size of the Opponent (v. 4)
  2. The Sight of the Opponent (v. 5-7)
  3. The Shout of the Opponent (v. 8-11)

Series Page

Let’s Get Ready to Rumble – The Rumble (Session One)

by Church @ 434 | Worship Audio

Let’s Get Ready to Rumble – The Rumble (Session One)

by Church @ 434 | Sermon Audio

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