If It Were That Easy Everyone Would Do It – Session Four
If It Were That Easy Everyone Would Do It¡You want to be like Jesus don’t you? Of course you do! So why aren’t you? Well….um…..er…..gosh, it isn’t always real easy to be and do what we are supposed to do. If it were easy then everyone would do it, because we would be fools not to….so…is there hope?
If It Were That Easy Everyone Would Do It – Session Three
The Bible talks about what our “treasure” really is. In this session we look at some hard questions about what is important to us and how we make sure that we do the most important things. If we can learn these practical lessons our spiritual journey of faith can be revolutionized. Focus is the starting point. Although we often talk about focus very few people know how to really focus…we illustrate it with practical life lessons and take some key Biblical passages that explain it. This session is time well spent for those who are serious about their faith.
If It Were That Easy Everyone Would Do It – Session Two
This session begins to unpack what happens after you learn to really look for what God is doing. Our focus must be on Him and when it is…amazing things can happen. Many of the lessons we learn this week are learned in the most practical of ways. A simple illustration with deep meaning.
If It Were That Easy Everyone Would Do It – Session One
This session goes back and covers all the things we know about God and what He has called us to be. Not bad in one hour, however, the conversation veers off into some insight that deals honestly with the fact that knowing, doing, and becoming are not the same thing.