269:3 – You Must Be This Tall To Ride (Session Three)

269:3 – You Must Be This Tall To Ride (Session Three)

You Must Be This Tall To Ride is a series about Eternal Life. We have been making some discoveries that are important to remember when we think about what it means to be “saved” and “living” for Jesus. It is easy to miss or forget what is most important and what we should be doing… and today we think about what Jesus has told us to do and hwy it is such an important part of the eternal life we are living in the hear and right now.

Saving Salvation – You Must Be This Tall to Ride (Session Two)

Saving Salvation – You Must Be This Tall to Ride (Session Two)

Salvation is a very big word. Not just because it contains a large number of letters, but because it means so much more than many people understand. Today as we continue to explore the “ride of a lifetime” that God has for us, we go back again to unpack some very big and basic ideas of what Jesus has done for us. Because of what He has done, we can be who we were created to be!

The Ride Awaits – You Must Be This Tall to Ride (Session One)

The Ride Awaits – You Must Be This Tall to Ride (Session One)

The ride of a lifetime is waiting for you. What ride? It is an epic adventure of moving through each day with purpose and passion. It is living the life that you were created for… believe it or not, it is called “Eternal Life” and it is waiting for you, not after you die – but right now. Today we begin to discover how to take the ride of your life… the one you were created for.