Oh Heavens (s1e35) – Are Heaven and the New Jerusalem the Same Place?

Oh Heavens (s1e35) – Are Heaven and the New Jerusalem the Same Place?

Join us on Oh Heavens as we explore the fascinating connection between Heaven and the New Jerusalem! Is the New Jerusalem a real city? Where will it be located? Discover what Scripture says about this heavenly city and its role in the eternal future. Dive into Revelation and uncover what it means to have a new dwelling place prepared by God Himself.
#NewJerusalem #Heaven #Revelation #EternalHome #ScriptureExplained #HeavenlyCity

Oh Heavens (s1e34) – Will We Be Recognizable in Heaven?

Oh Heavens (s1e34) – Will We Be Recognizable in Heaven?

In this episode of Oh, Heavens, we tackle a heartfelt question: Will we be identifiable in Heaven? Drawing from Scripture, we explore how our resurrected bodies will be recognizable, just as Jesus was identifiable to His disciples after His resurrection. Will your loved ones know you? Yes. Will they love you even more? Absolutely! Heaven is a place of harmony, peace, and unity where we’ll experience relationships free from jealousy, hurt, or competition. Join us as we dive into this beautiful glimpse of what’s to come and why it’s worth looking forward to Heaven!
#RecognizableInHeaven #HeavenlyHope #ResurrectionBody #EternalLife #Heaven

Oh Heavens (s1e33) – What Will Our Glorified Bodies Look Like?

Oh Heavens (s1e33) – What Will Our Glorified Bodies Look Like?

In this episode of Oh, Heavens, we dive into the fascinating question: What will our glorified bodies look like? Drawing insights from Scripture, we explore how our future bodies will resemble the resurrected body of Jesus—real, physical, and transformed. They will be tailored for eternity, free from the limitations of our earthly forms. Join us as we unpack what it means to have a body equipped for Heaven and how this glimpse of the eternal inspires hope and excitement for what’s to come.
#GlorifiedBodies #HeavenlyHope #ResurrectionBody #ChristianFaith #EternalLife #Heaven

Oh Heavens (s1e32) – What Happens if Your Body is Destroyed?

Oh Heavens (s1e32) – What Happens if Your Body is Destroyed?

In this episode of Oh, Heavens, we tackle a common concern: What happens if your earthly body is destroyed, cremated, or lost in some tragic way? Drawing from 1 Corinthians 15, we explore Paul’s powerful illustration of resurrection, comparing it to a seed planted in the ground that transforms into something new. Whether buried, cremated, or otherwise, God’s promise of a glorified body remains unshaken. Join us as we unpack the hope and assurance found in Scripture and take a deeper dive into the mysteries of Heaven.
#GlorifiedBodies #ResurrectionHope #HeavenlyTruths #ChristianFaith #EternalLife

Oh Heavens (s1e31) – When Do We Receive Our Glorified Bodies?

Oh Heavens (s1e31) – When Do We Receive Our Glorified Bodies?

In this episode of Oh, Heavens, we explore a question that excites many: When will we receive our new, glorified bodies? Drawing from 1 Corinthians 15 and 1 Thessalonians 4, we discuss the moment of transformation at the resurrection during the rapture. Whether you’re wondering about cremation or simply tired of earthly aches and pains, this episode offers biblical truth and comforting hope about the perfect, heavenly bodies awaiting believers. Join us as we continue uncovering the wonders of Heaven!
#GlorifiedBodies #BiblicalTruth #HeavenlyHope #EternalLife #ChristianFaith

Oh Heavens (s1e30) – Are All Angels the Same?

Oh Heavens (s1e30) – Are All Angels the Same?

In this episode of Oh Heavens, we explore the fascinating diversity of God’s angels. From the warrior host to the awe-inspiring seraphim and the mysterious cherubim, discover the unique roles and forms of these heavenly beings. How do their descriptions in Scripture challenge our earthly imaginations? Join us as we unveil the majesty of God’s angelic army and the spiritual warfare they engage in for His purpose.
#Angels #HeavenlyBeings #SpiritualWarfare #BiblicalInsights #FaithJourney #Heaven