Call | Can't Cancel Jesus | Cancel Culture | Cancelling Death | Chase | Connect | John 21
In our Cancel Culture series we have seen that what people call “cancel culture” has nothing to do with culture at all – instead it is a cult. So as the Cult of Cancel Culture runs amok in our world, how do we as people who want to touch and change the world with the love of Jesus react? In this session, we go back and discover a man how had made so many mistakes that he could have been canceled – but Jesus refused to do it. Instead of canceling him, Jesus gave us a model of how we should respond to others when they have made mistakes, messed up, and managed to damage their lives with the choices they have made. It is time to Cancel the Cancel Culture.

All Videos used under CVLI #502101490
All Songs performed under CCLI #11505050


  1. Chase the Canceled (v. 3-9)
  2. Connect the Canceled (v. 12-17)
  3. Call the Canceled (v. 15-17)

Series Page

Canceling the Cancel Culture – Cancel Culture Series (Session Three)

by Church @ 434 | Worship Audio

Canceling the Cancel Culture – Cancel Culture Series (Session Three)

by Church @ 434 | Sermon Audio

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