Bolt into Life – Bible Dash (Session Four)
Bolt into Life is the last installment of our Bible Dash series. We are racing at full speed though a big picture view of the most amazing book ever written – The Bible. As we have built up speed, we have been seeing some landmarks and connecting the dots of the love story that God has written for each one of our lives.
Today we run toward the finish line, which in the Bible is really a new beginning… so on your mark, get set, Go! The Bible Dash surges toward the finish line in this study.
Racing to Redemption – Bible Dash (Session Three)
We have now dashed through the Old Testament and our dash continues this week as we run into the New Testament. As we begin, we realize we are Racing to Redemption as we continue to see how the Bible is one giant love story about a God who loves His creation (that is us)!
Land of the Giants – Session Four
Have you ever wondered about stuff that is in the Bible? One of the mysterious things we find, in the Bible, is the mention of giants. Believe it or not, there is a lot more about giants in Scripture than you might think. Get ready to drill down and explore some mysteries of the Bible and what they mean to you, in this series called Lord of the Giants. (This is part of a special series of studies called the Bible Nerd Series)
A Run Through the Ages – Bible Dash (Session Two)
Our Bible Dash continues as we run through the Old Testament once again. This time is a Run through the Ages as history unfolds and HIStory becomes Our story.
On your mark, get set, go!
Land of the Giants – Session Three
Have you ever wondered about stuff that is in the Bible? One of the mysterious things we find, in the Bible, is the mention of giants. Believe it or not, there is a lot more about giants in Scripture than you might think. Get ready to drill down and explore some mysteries of the Bible and what they mean to you, in this series called Lord of the Giants. (This is part of a special series of studies called the Bible Nerd Series)
A Sprint into Scripture – Bible Dash (Session One)
The Bible is a collection of sixty-six books that all tell one seamless story. Yet, so often, we get caught in the details and miss the overarching meaning behind its message. In this session, we begin our sprint through the Old Testament and it shows us how it not only meant something thousands of years ago, it also means something to us today!
Land of the Giants – Session Two
Have you ever wondered about stuff that is in the Bible? One of the mysterious things we find, in the Bible, is the mention of giants. Believe it or not, there is a lot more about giants in Scripture than you might think. Get ready to drill down and explore some mysteries of the Bible and what they mean to you, in this series called Lord of the Giants. (This is part of a special series of studies called the Bible Nerd Series)
Land of the Giants – Session One
Have you ever wondered about stuff that is in the Bible? One of the mysterious things we find, in the Bible, is the mention of giants. Believe it or not, there is a lot more about giants in Scripture than you might think. Get ready to drill down and explore some mysteries of the Bible and what they mean to you, in this series called Lord of the Giants. (This is part of a special series of studies called the Bible Nerd Series)