Jeremiah 29:11 | Joshua 1:9 | Never Forget | Patriot Day | Psalm 33:20 | Psalm 34:14 | Psalm 37:28 | Romans 12:12 | September 11th
In many ways it seems like it was just yesterday. The horror of the terrorist attacks gripped the world on September 11, 2001. As a nation mourned with shock and grief, we discovered that as only God can do, something amazing emerged from the tragedy. As a nation we have promised we would never forget. Today in this time of worship, we remember, and rediscover some things that should shape our lives today. This will be a reflection service like none you have attended before.

All Videos used under CVLI #502101490
All Songs performed under CCLI #11505050


  1. Bandanas (Joshua 1:9)
  2. Bullhorns (Psalm 33:20, 34:14, 37:28)
  3. Baseballs (Jeremiah 29:11, Romans 12:12)

Series Page

Bandanas, Bullhorns, and Baseballs – September 11th – 20 years later

by Church @ 434 | Worship Audio

Bandanas, Bullhorns, and Baseballs – September 11th – 20 years later

by Church @ 434 | Sermon Audio

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