1 Kings 12:20 | 1 Samuel 8:5 | Ezekiel 39:23 | Nehemiah 6:15 | Old Testament
Our Bible Dash continues as we run through the Old Testament once again. This time is a Run through the Ages as history unfolds and HIStory becomes Our story. On your mark, get set, go!

All Videos used under CVLI #502101490
All Songs performed under CCLI #11505050


  1. Kings – 1 Samuel 8:5
  2. Divided – 1 Kings 12:20
  3. Exile – Ezekiel 39:23
  4. Return – Nehemiah 6:15
  5. Silence

Series Page

A Run Through the Ages – Bible Dash (Session Two)

by Church @ 434 | Worship Audio

A Run Through the Ages – Bible Dash (Session Two)

by Church @ 434 | Sermon Audio

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